Creation of the Printing Outputs from the Cadastral Documentation in Case it is not Data Provision from the Public Documents

Regulation Nr. 358/2013 Coll., Annex 3

Item Specification Unit of Measurement Charge per Unit
3001 Printing output from the File of descriptive information Format A4 CZK 50
3002 Printing outputs from other parts of the cadastral documentation except for the File of descriptive information, cadastral map and copies of survey sketches Format A4 CZK 50
3003 Print of cadastral map in digital form on the paper or plastic foil Format A4 CZK 50


  1. Output under item 3001 includes also the information about non-existing registration in the File of descriptive information.
  2. Fees for the printing output under items 3001 and 3002 that are larger than format A4 are charged according to the number of A4 included the incomplete formats.
  3. Printing output under item 3003 depicts the boundaries of the extent of the easement connected with the parcel part solely on request.
  4. Fee for print of cadastral map under item 3003 created on dimensional stable transparent material.
  5. Fee for print of cadastral map under item 3003 is charged for each format A4 (albeit incomplete) covered by the drawing.