Declaration of accessibility

Czech office for surveying, mapping and cadastre (hereinafter referred to “ČÚZK“) undertakes to make its websites and applications accessible in accordance with the Act No. 99/2019 Coll., On the accessibility of websites and mobile applications and on the amendment of the Act No. 365/2000 Coll., On public administration information systems and on the amendment of some other laws, as amended (hereinafter  referred to as the “Accessibility Act“), which transposes the Directive 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26th October 2016 On the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public sector entities.

This accessibility statement applies to websites and applications available from the main ČÚZK website-

Compliance Status

Department websites and applications are partially in accordance with the Act No. 99/2019 Coll., On the accessibility of websites and mobile applications and on the amendment of the Act No. 365/2000 Coll., On public administration information systems and on the amendment of some other laws, as amended, due to the fact that part of the content consists of maps and map applications, which are not used for navigation purposes and are not subject to the obligation of accessibility.

Exceptions to the Accessibility Rules for the Website

  1. Each non-text element carrying a semantic message has its own text alternative. Exception: Map display has no text alternative and some file type icons do not contain a text alternative yet, but are always accompanied by a description of the type of document.
  2. Information communicated through scripts, objects, applets, cascading styles, cookies and other add-ons on the user's side is available without any of these add-ons. Exception: The entire application requires cookie support.
    Exception: Proper support for maps and better switching between images requires JavaScript support.
  3. New windows open only if the link points to a page outside the website (, the user is notified in advance by a special icon.
  4. Sending forms contains the so-called CAPTCHA code, due to the reduction of traffic load using DDoS attacks.

We offer some information in the form of downloadable documents (PDF, DOC, XLS), mainly due to their extent or unavailability of documents in other forms (e.g. decrees on the official notice board). To view these documents, you need the appropriate browsers, which can be downloaded for free.

In case of problems with the accessibility of the content or functionality of the website, contact, please, the webmaster at: .


Freeware File Browsers for free Download:

Law Enforcement Procedures

In case of an unsatisfactory response to a notification or request sent in accordance with EU Directive 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council, please contact:
Ministry of Interior
Department of eGovernment
náměstí Hrdinů 1634/3