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Cadastre of Real Estate Data Provision-Detailed Information
The process of KN data provision is described in the Decree Nr.358/2013 Coll., on Data Provision from the KN
. The publicity of the cadastre is ensured by the Consultation of the KN and by the cadastre data provision in the form of excerpts, duplicates, copies, bulk outputs etc. The deadlines for KN data provision are ruled by the article 22 of the Decree Nr.358/2013 Coll. - the data are provided within 30 days from the submission of the request for data provision. For exceptionally large cases the deadline is prolonged for another 30 days.
Consultation of the KN
Everybody has the right to consult the cadastre and acquire duplicates, excerpts, “hand drawn“ sketches or photos in non-contact way using his own photographic device (in case it is not prohibited there) only for his own need, solely in the time designated for it and under the suspicion of the employee of the cadastral office.
It is not allowed to consult the Collection of documents and the overview of the concrete owner. Long-lasting copying of KN data especially realized with the profitable purpose is not considered as consultation of the cadastre.
Excerpts, duplicates, copies in the form of public documents
Public documents are provided for administrative fees (Scale of Administrative Fees and Payments), usually on delivery or based on the written request. Written request should contain:
- name, address of the applicant (seat or residence), name of the municipality and cadastral unit in which the real estate is located,
- parcel number of real estate, house number or the registration number of the building in construction,
- name of the part of the municipality in case the houses are numbered in more number rows according to the municipal parts,
- possibly birth number or identification number (IČO), in case the applicant is the owner of the real estate in question as well,
- and further detailed data, in case he knows them ( f.i. number of owner´s folio, names of co-owners).
The copies in the paper form; outputs created by conversion either in paper or electronic form or authorized duplicates of documents in electronic form from the Collection of documents
The data from the Collection of documents can be acquired either in the form of simple or authorized copy, but solely after the applicant proves his identity and states the purpose of asking for these data.
Proving applicant´s identity in case of request in person
In cases, the request for provision of property overview or data from the Collection of documents is submitted in person in the cadastral office, the office is entitled to ask for the identity card of the applicant.
Proving applicant´s identity in case of another request than in person
In cases, the request is not submitted in person or via data box the cadastral office will take the applicants´ identity for granted, if the request contains:
- officially certified signature of the applicant in case he is the natural person,
- officially certified signature of the natural person, acting in the name of the applicant, in case the applicant is legal person; this does not apply in case the result of the act is being sent to the company address registered in the business register or in the list administered by the Notarial Chamber or the Czech Bar Association (in such a case uncertified signature is sufficient),
- official stamp and signature of the authorized person in case of public or state administration bodies.
Excerpts, duplicates or copies not having the character of public documents
It is possible to provide another data from the cadastre as well, particularly in the form of
- reprographic copies from some parts of the cadastral documentation, which are not administered in electronic form,
- printed excerpts from the Information system of the cadastre of real estate. Among others property overview for an individual owner can be provided in this form, which can be acquired solely in case, the applicant proves his identity and states the purpose of asking for these data (proving applicant´s identity See art. Copies from the Collection of documents).
Some specialities of data provision
Cadastral offices have in their safekeeping Land Registry Books, Railway Registers and Domesday Books. These documents are not part of the cadastre and are not open for public. It is impossible to view them or make duplicates, extracts and copies in any cases (not even with the employee of the cadastral office). Cadastral office prepares the duplicate, excerpt or copy from them solely upon request and for administrative fee (Scale of Administrative Fees and Payments).
The duplicates, extracts and copies from former land registries are provided only in case that their technical condition allows it.
Data from simplified land inventory of parcels are considered part of the cadastral documentation. It is the registry of agriculture and forest parcels that is administered in the File of descriptive information of the cadastre using their geometric and positional location and descriptive information from the documentation of the former land parcel cadastre and following documentation from allotment and redistribution procedures.
The total list of extracts, duplicates and copies, which are provided by cadastral offices, can be found in the Scale of Administrative Fees and Payments.
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