Now you are here: Cadastre of Real Estate » Provision of data » Monitoring of Changes » Basic Information about the Service for Monitoring of Changes
Basic Information about the Service for Monitoring of Changes
To whom is the service provided
The Service for monitoring of changes in data about real estates is provided by the Czech office for surveying, mapping and cadastre according to § 55, art.6 of the Act Nr. 256/2013 Coll., about Cadastre of real estate (Cadastral Act) to those persons who have real right to particular real estate or to participants of proceeding about such a right. The request for service opening can be submitted by following persons:
- the owner,
- the pledgee or subpledgee,
- easement beneficiary,
- pre-emptive right beneficiary in case it is stipulated as material right, or
- beneficiary of the right to purchase back, of the right of better purchaser, leaseholder or tenant or participant of proceeding about such a right.
How does the service work
The service will automatically inform the user about the fact, that there occurred a change in the cadastre of real estate regarding the monitored real estate (building as a part of the parcel is not individually monitored real estate).
The change means:
- notice marking that the legal relations are affected by a change (so called sealing noting changes of titles to real estate),
- entry performance,
- record performance,
- note registration.
Information about changes is sent according to the request via chosen distribution channel (the user choses among data box, eMail or SMS).
Another independent service for disposal is information provision in XML format via web services. This possibility is suitable for those persons who have registered the right to a huge number of real estates – f.i. banks. Information about proceedings in which the service user is also the participant can be provided solely via web service.
Service delivers two types of messages – operational ones and messages from proper monitoring changes service. Operational services concern the administration of user´s account (opening of the user´s account, service payment appeal, service activation, password change, contacts change for delivery both types of messages etc.). Message of the Service for monitoring changes are such ones informing about the change of data connected with the property. Contact data can be set separately for both kinds of these messages. The messages are being sent at the latest within 24 hours after the monitored incident occurs.
Setting up the service
In case the applicant interested in this service owns the data box, he can set up the service via web application without visiting the cadastral office. In other cases it is possible to ask for the service personally in any cadastral office (the requests for the service are handled immediately). The service is usually activated within 24 hours after paying the charge. The request for setting up the service can be sent in writing to the address of the Czech office for surveying, mapping and cadastre (Office) as well.
The specimen for download is here 
Necessary condition for setting up the service is proving the identity. In case the request is submitted
- via web application, the applicant´s identity is proved through the provided data box,
- personally in paper form to the cadastral office, the applicant´s identity is proved there according to the identity card,
- in paper via mail service to the Office address, the request must contain officially certified signature of the applicant.
Within setting up the service the user gets access to his user´s account, which contains all messages having been sent him to his contact connection. This account can be further served via application available on the address 
without visiting the cadastral office. Login to the user´s account is provided to user after setting up the service.
Service charge – see Scale of fees
Changes in service settings
Change of contact data, change or renewal of the password, settings or change of billing address etc. can be adjusted just in the service application without visiting the cadastral office. The request for change can be submitted either personally in any cadastral office or in writing to the Czech office for surveying, mapping and cadastre as well.
The specimen for change is the same as for setting up the service 
Even in this case the necessary condition for making change is proving of identity.
Use conditions of the application Service for monitoring of changes