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Changes in INSPIRE Datasets
In connection with ČÚZK participation in the European Location Framework (ELF) project the data model of some INSPIRE data sets have been enlarged. The new enlarged ELF xml schemes are available on the address The schemes contain imported INSPIRE xml schemes in version 4.0.
Changes were performed in following themes:
- Administrative units (AU)
- Geographical names (GN)
- Hydrology (HY)
- Transport networks-air transport (TN_AIR)
- Transport networks-cableway (TN_CABLE)
- Transport networks-rail transport (TN_RAIL)
- Transport networks-road transport (TN_ROAD)
- Transport networks-water transport (TN_WATER)
In connection with ČÚZK participation in the ELF project the data model of some INSPIRE data sets will be enlarged since 2.1.2017. The new enlarged ELF xml schemes are available on the address The schemes contain imported INSPIRE xml schemes in version 4.0. Sample files and description of changes for the themes AU, GN, HY and TN together with particular description of changes for single types of objects according to ELF schemes 1.0 are available here for download:
Administrative units (AU)
Geographical names (GN)
Hydrology (HY)
Transport networks-air transport (TN_AIR)
Transport networks-cableway (TN_CABLE)
Transport networks-rail transport (TN_RAIL)
Transport networks-road transport (TN_ROAD)
Transport networks-water transport (TN_WATER)
Since October 1, 2016 ČÚZK has modified INSPIRE dataset provision provided in the form of pre-prepared datasets or download services. This is the upgrade of XML schemas (XSD). There are not changes in data content but only minor record modifications. XML schemes in version 3.0 will not be supported after this date. New XML schemes in version 4.0 are for disposal on the JRC website. Further information about XML schemes for INSPIRE datasets can be found on the website 
. XML schemes for BuildingsExtended2D and BuildingsExtendedBase were designed in cooperation of ČÚZK and Technical University (ČVUT) in Prague and are for disposal on the address 
Following datasets were changed: :
- Parcels (CP),
- Administrative units (AU),
- Addresses (AD),
- Buildings (BU),
- Geographical names (GN),
- Hydrography (HY),
- Transport networks (TN).
ČÚZK is going to provide GML data for the themes CP, AU, AD, BU till the end of 2016 corresponding to the XML schemes version 3.0 via WFS service and via pre-prepared datasets in GML 3.2.1 format on below mentioned addresses.
GML (GML datasets are valid for October 1, 2016, they are no longer updated)
- CP:
- AU:
- AD:
- BU:
- CP:
- AU:
- AD:
- BU:
Services providing data corresponding to XSD in version 4.0 are running on the original addresses.