Users´ Accounts and Users´ Authorizations

Guided Application for Preparation of Request for the DP or WSDP Account  otevře se nové okno

Interactive application recommended for creation of the request for account setting of Remote Access to KN (DP) or account for Remote Access Web services to KN (WSDP). Compared to manual filling, it offers a whole series of automated steps, hints and checks.

Access to Internet applications: Remote Access (DP), Remote Access Web Services (WSDP), Web Services for Creators of Surveying Sketches and Verifiers (WSGP) is possible only through customer accounts and user authorizations for individual applications. These accounts are set up by the provider (Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre) based on an appropriate request.

Types of Accounts

At present three types of accounts exist corresponding to three types of DP and WSDP application and one type of account for WSGP:

Ordinary (paid) accounts: use full version of the DP application having all functions for disposal without any limitation. Each obtained output (composition) is accounted in accordance with valid price list. Used-up amount is invoiced to the customers in agreed time in a common way. This type of account can be set up solely for legal or natural businessperson. Natural persons can obtain the same results without registration via application – Remote access for nonregistered (DPN).

Accounts for free DP: use modified version of the DP application, designated for performance of public administration. Used-up amount are registered but not invoiced. These accounts can be set up solely for self-government of municipalities, cities, regions, for state administration bodies, notaries, judicial distrainers, insolvency administrators and State investment support fund.

Accounts for issuing of authorized outputs from KN: use reduced version of the DP application, enabling solely outputs being the public electronic document primarily intended for authorization. The outputs are charged according to the special regulation. These accounts can be set up solely for subjects legally authorized for authorization of outputs from information systems of state administration (municipal authorities, notaries, Czech Post and Chamber of Commerce).

Accounts for creators and authorizers of survey sketches (GP): use the programme interface for the access to KN data, which enables getting the documents for creation of GP via internet to GP creators as well as sending the authorized GP directly to the particular cadastral branch office for confirmation for the GP authorizers.

Submission of Application

Application for setting up of the user´s account and assignment of the user´s authorization has to be submitted on the particular form corresponding to the requested type of account and application. Required forms can be downloaded here (see below). More detailed explanation of form items are provided in explanatory notes. In case of doubts use  Contacts. Setting up of the user´s account is free. After filling in and signing the application the applicant hands it over to the provider via one of the following ways:

1.  in person or by post to the following address:
Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální
Odbor služeb uživatelům (Customer Service Department)
Pod sídlištěm 9/1800
182 11 Praha 8
  • it is necessary to authorize the signature on the document “Application”,
2.  via data box IDDS uuaaatg:
  • personal identity is proved while sending the document “Application” via data box of the applicant (in case of natural person via data box of natural person, in case of legal person only via data box of legal person),
  • the “Application” must not be printed, signed in hand and scanned, for more information see the authorized conversion below,
3.  via eMAIL to
  • the “Application” must be signed by a recognized electronic signature (containing MPSV identifier),
  • the “Application” must not be printed, signed in hand and scanned, for more information see the authorized conversion below.
The "Application" document when submitted by data box or via e-mail must be created by conversion from the input document (e.g. in Adobe Acrobat Reader), it must not be obtained as a graphic image (neither software - using a graphics editor, virtual printer e.g. PDFCreator nor by scanning a paper document). Exceptions are documents that were created by performing an authorized conversion according to the Act No. 300/2008 Coll., On electronic acts and authorized conversion of documents (conversion is performed for a fee, e.g. by the Czech POINT workplace) - these documents are always a scan of a paper document. Documents created by performing an authorized conversion must be in PDF format version 1.7 and higher.
Confirmation of approval and processing of the application will be sent to the applicant together with his number of user´s account and ref. number (č.j.) approximately within 14 days. This means that the agreement about service provision on this account has been concluded. The applicant will be provided with the username and initial password enabling creation of the password for entering the system (“Access for Registered Users”-"Create/Revoke the lost password”). Allocated username remains unchanged during the existence of the account. Created password must follow the conditions see Security and passwords.
Charged services (DP and WSDP) will be invoiced after the accounting period for outputs obtained by the user in the particular period. This invoice has to be paid to the revenue account of the ČÚZK in the Czech National Bank (ČNB) Nr. 19 – 6828001/0710. In case the invoice is not paid in time, provider will temporarily block the user´s account. Current state of user´s DP account included the invoiced outputs can be found out for free via function Statement of the users account. In case of cancelation of the user´s account, the final accounting will be realized and possibly invoiced. Cancelled account cannot be revoked – it is necessary to apply for setting up of a new account as described above.

Cancellation or Blocking of User´s Account

Whenever the user wants, he can ask for blocking or cancellation of his user´s account. The provider puts a back query verifying the correctness of the request and performs immediately relevant measures. After account blocking every attempt to log in to the particular account will be refused with notice about account blocking. In this case, the account is not cancelled and can be unblocked again upon request. After cancellation of the user´s account the final statement will be carried out and possibly the final invoice issued. In this case, cancelled account cannot be renewed – it is necessary to apply for setting a brand new user´s account as stated above.

If the user does not want or cannot use access to outputs from the real estate cadastre through his customer account, he can use the Remote access application for unregistered DPN users. The DPN application provides the same outputs as the Remote access to the real estate cadastre under the same conditions. Proof of identity is implemented through Citizen Identity, and payment can be made through an online payment gateway.

Forms for Setting of User´s Account (authorization assignment)

Forms for Setting of User´s Account 

Forms for manually completing of the application for account creation for cases where the interactive app will not be used.

Proof of Identity according to GDPR

Proof of identity according to GDPR or change of contact data in PDF format.

Form for users to prove identity according to the GDPR directive or to complete or change contact data.

Date of last update: 13.08.2020