Cadastre Objectives

Cadastre of Real Estate of the Czech Republic (KN)

is the set of data about real estates in the Czech Republic, including their inventory and description and their geometric specification and position. Parts of it are records of property and other material rights and other legally stipulated rights to these real estates. Cadastre of real estate contents many important data about parcels and selected buildings and their owners.


KN is a source of information serving for protection of rights to real estates, for tax and fees purposes, for environmental, agriculture and forest land protection, for protection of natural resources, cultural monuments, for urban planning, for evaluation of real estates, for scientific, economical and statistical purposes so as for creation of further information systems.


KN is administered as the information system about the territory of the Czech Republic mainly by computer means, where cadastral unit is the basic territorial unit and its documentation comprises two files among others.

  • The file of geodetic information encompassing the cadastral map (included its digital representation in given cadastral units).
  • The file of descriptive information including the data about cadastral units, parcels, buildings, flats and non-residential premises, about owners and other justified persons, about legal relations and rights and other facts given by the law.

The data from the KN are provided by the cadastral workplaces of the cadastral offices in the form of the public documents. The data administered in the digital datasets are available for everybody who asks for remote access to the central database which is being updated based on the data provided continuously from the cadastral workplaces. It is possible to ask for bulk data provision in standardized exchange format or for the copies of cadastral maps in the raster form.

Entering the application Consultation of the CRE    you can get for free selected information about parcels and buildings registered in the CRE, included the information about their owners, so as the information about the state of some proceedings in cadastral workplaces.