State Administration of Land Surveying and Cadastre
Cadastre and Land Surveying Portal
Consultation of the Cadastre of Real Estate
Remote Access to the Cadastre of Real Estate
About us
Role and position of the organisation
List of the most important legal issues regarding ČÚZK activities
Brief History of Land Records
ČÚZK Annual Reports
Organizational chart of the ČÚZK Sector
International Cooperation
Contact information
Organizational chart
Cadastre of Real Estate
About Cadastre of Real Estate
Registration into the Cadastre of Real Estate
Provision of data
Forms, Electronic Submissions
Practical Information
Information Provision According to the Act Nr. 106/1999 Coll.
Information, Requests and other Submissions
Information about Electronic Submission
Forms, Electronic Submissions
Conditions of Provision for Spatial Data and Network Services of Spatial Data
Personal Data Protection
Land Surveying
Geodetic Control at the Territory of the CR
Central Archive of Surveying and Cadastre
Approval of EU member states citizens´ certifications
Periodicals and Publications – Overview
ČÚZK Annual Reports
Terminological Dictionary of Land Surveying and Cadastre of Real Estate
Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
Land Survey Office
Cadastral Offices
Survey and Cadastral Inspectorates
Česká verze této stránky
Nyní jste zde:
Practical Information
Registration by Record
Proposal for record of right
Registration by Entry
Entry proposal
Forms for some entry documents
Registration by Record
Proposal for record of right
Registration of other Data
Data change about the parcel
Data change about the building
Data change about the building right
Data change about the unit
Data change about the owner
Data Provision
Remote Access and Web services
Dissemination of cadastral (KN) data - VFK
Dissemination of cadastral (KN) data - WSDP
Exchange Format of the Cadastre
Service for monitoring of changes
Other services
Land Surveying Activities
Survey sketch (GP)
Record of detailed changes surveying
Documentation about of parcel boundary
Official licence, official cards
GNSS for cadastre purposes
Proposal for record of right
Proposal for record of right
Form necessary for the proposal for record of right serving for record of the right derived from the ownership right to the real estate cadastre. The enlargement of the form is
for disposal for parcel list
list of buildings
list of owners and other authorized persons
, which would be, if necessary, an integral part of the particular statement.
File form
File size 932 kB
Updated 09.04.2019
Form available in the
format as well