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Form for complaints of the payment portal service

Complaint form for the payment portal service.
File form PDF icon PDF File size 479 kB Updated 01.01.2015 Form available in the Form for complaints of the payment portal service DOCX format as well

Proposal for error correction in the cadastral documentation

Form for information about wrong data registered in the real estate cadastre containing the proposal for error correction in the cadastral documentation. These are errors caused by the obvious mistake within cadastral administration, obvious mistake within renewal of the cadastral documentation or caused by other similar reason. Only the owner of the particular real estate can submit such a proposal. The enlargement of the form is available for list of owners and other authorized persons, which would be, if necessary, an integral part of the particular statement.
File form PDF icon PDF File size 867 kB Updated 15.04.2019 Form available in the Proposal for error correction in the cadastral documentation DOCX format as well